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Home/News/IX Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects

IX Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects

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11.05.2016 14:19

In order further develop measures to stimulate the development and implementation of the results of research and innovative developments in the field of economy, as well as on implementation of Presidential decree from 15 July 2008 № PP-916 "On additional measures to stimulate innovative projects and technologies in production " was established the order by the Cabinet of Ministers to hold the next IX Republican Fair of innovative ideas, technologies and projects in the period from 11 to 13 May 2016 in Tashkent in the exhibition halls of JSC" Uzexpocentre ".

Opening Hours.
Monday – Friday 09:00–18:00
University str. 2, Kibray district, Tashkent 111215, Uzbekistan
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