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05.12.2016 16:18

First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov implemented the large-scale reforms aimed to support the innovation technologies, develop the scientific and technical potential of population and enhance the integration of science and industrial production. 

Representatives of scientific branch participated actively in the Presidential elections. Media workers linked, in the online regime, to famous scientists to know their impressions about the Elections.   

“Uzbek Genetic Institutions took great heights in an international level due to the modern conditions made to enhance the science. Certainly, the scale of fundamental, practical and innovative research is enhanced noticeably”, - said a member of the World Academy of Sciences, director of the Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, professor Ibrokhim Abdurahmonov. Farmers, over the years, pleased us with high yields because of modern knock-out technology that greatly enhanced the quality of cotton. Today, the technology has high popularity among scientists of developed countries. Present presidential elections, undoubtedly, will identify the strategy of further development of our country. I was convinced, once again, seeing actively participating citizens in the elections of future.


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