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News 01.11.2016 10:40

The stating meeting, dedicated for minimization of the risks connected to the chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear materials, was held. The theme of the meeting was “Strengthening the legal framework and provision of the specialized training in biosafety and biosecurity in Central Asia”. 
Shermatov Shukhrat, Scientific Secretary of the CGB, took part in the meeting with his report named “Status of biosafety of GMOs in Uzbekistan and in the world: a proposal for its development”.   

News 23.09.2016 11:22

Our Plant Breeding book with almost 100 000 time downloads is indexed in ISI Web of Science’s Book Citation Index (BKCI) and BIOSIS Previews. BKCI is part of the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) together with SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI and other databases.


Informational announcement about a joint session of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan 09.09.2016 14:23

A joint session of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in the city of Tashkent on 8 September 2016 with the participation of deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan...


Visit of IFAD and South-south cooperation representatives 07.09.2016 14:18

Representatives of the International Found of Agricultural Development and South-south cooperation visited to Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics. Professor Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, director of the CGB, explained the structure of the Center and scientific research led by researchers. Furthermore, the excursion has been organized to explore laboratories of the Center.  


Vladimir Putin pays a tribute of respect to the memory of Islam Karimov 06.09.2016 12:26

Ceremonies devoted to the bright memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, are continuing. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, arrived in Samarqand on 6 September. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan...


Always in our hearts 05.09.2016 17:01

The collective of the Center of genomics and bioinformatics accepted, with bitterness in the hearts, news about death of the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov. He was outstanding state and political leader, who developed science and integrated it into the production. The collective meeting was held in the Center...


Bioinformatics - Updated Features and Applications 29.07.2016 12:07

An interdisciplinary bioinformatics science aims to develop methodology and analysis tools to explore large-volume of biological data using conventional and modern computer science, statistics, and mathematics, as well as pattern recognition, reconstruction...

News 25.07.2016 12:36

The "Plant Genomics" book that  published by prof. Abdurakhmonov I.Y. has so far been accessed 500 times.
InTech-Book_Stats_Chart -2_1

News 25.07.2016 11:11

Novel Biotechnologies to Boost the Yield and Quality of Agricultural Crops.


News 21.07.2016 09:27

Article reception for the special edition of International Journal of Agriculture, edited by professor Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, is announced. The magazine is indexed in the Web of Science. To find out more information
contact by e-mail: 
and visit the website:

Call for papers

News 15.07.2016 15:55

ARS Geneticist, Dr. Sukumar Saha Awarded the CSSA International Service in Crop Science Award for Work in Developing Unique Cotton Plant.


New book of prof. Abdurakhmonov 15.07.2016 13:26

New book, named Plant genomics, is edited by prof. Abdurakhmonov, director of the Center of genomics and bioinformatics.

Book: Plant genomics, I. Abdurakhmonov Ed. Intech publications Croatia. 2016. ISBN 978-953-51-2455-9 (available at:  http://www.intechopen.com/books/plant-genomics).

If you want to see the chapter
click here


Chinese delegation visited the CGB 07.07.2016 15:30

On 7th of July the Center of genomics and bioinformatics welcomed Chinese delegation led by Wang Enge, Vice President of Chinese Academy of sciences.

The most active young scientis of the year 24.06.2016 16:10

Junior researcher of the SFG Ayubov M. was recognized as the most active young scientist of the year. Soon, he is going to take part in the second, Republican, part of the competition of the most active young specialists. 

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