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News 26.07.2018 14:53

Dear Zabardast Tojiboevich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Please accept the most kind and sincere wishes from us! Your professionalism, dedication and desire to develop modern science not only in our Center, but throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan deserves special attention.

News 23.07.2018 14:52

A grant of $ 100 million will be allocated to support scientific developments. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the Institute of Nuclear Physics with representatives of the Academy of Sciences and scientific research institutes, academicians, scientists, young researchers.

News 21.07.2018 14:50

Mirziyoyev signed a decree on increasing the remuneration of workers in the sphere of science and higher education. The President signed a decree on increasing the remuneration of workers in the sphere of science and higher education, - UzA reports.

News 20.07.2018 14:47

The president Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

News 11.07.2018 17:25

The gene editing a real or "bright" future?

A group of Australian scientists first built a genomic editor in mammalian DNA to create the right kinds of genes

CANBERRA, July 11, 2018, 02:18 - REGNUM Scientists from the Australian University of Adelaide were able to integrate the genome editor CRISPR / Cas9, which is able to create the necessary types of genes, according to bioRxiv.org.

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News 11.07.2018 17:18

Common mental illnesses have been linked at the genetic level

The International Consortium of Scientists collected data on more than a million people: samples of their DNA, overall health indicators and

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News 11.07.2018 17:12

The scientists first tested gene editing in mammals

American specialists succeeded in successfully introducing "self-propagating" genes into DNA mice, which make it possible to quickly distribute a certain set of genes throughout the animal population.

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News 04.07.2018 10:21

The 3 of June, 2018 year  at the meeting of the specialized council of the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Plant Biology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (DSc.29.08.2017.V.53.01) defended theses for the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty "03.00.14 - Genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics Ayubov Mirzakamol...

News 30.06.2018 17:25


Dear employees of the Center!

We sincerely congratulate you on the occasion - the Day of Youth, which is celebrated for the first time in Uzbekistan!

Almost a year ago. On August 25th, 2017year, the President signed the Law "On the Establishment of the Youth Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and, according to the document, was announced in our country on June 30 as Youth Day.

News 29.06.2018 16:28

29 June 2018 at the Center Genomics and Bioinformaticsthe scientific seminar laboratory assistant Center for genomics and bioinformatics  Nazirov M.M. on the topic of "DNA-linked immunosorbent assay based on transcription factors"

News 21.06.2018 15:25

June 20 th, 2018 year  in the publishing house IntechOpen under the Editorship of Academician Abdurakhmonov I.Yu. Two new monographs "Genotyping" and "Bioinformatics in the Era of Post Genomics and Big Data" (Bioinformatics in the Post genomics and Large Data Era) have been published in English.

News 18.06.2018 17:00

June 18th, 2018 year in the Center a meeting of the Scientific Council of the Special Council of the Institute of Genetics and the EBP (Experimental Biology Plant) of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (DSc.29.08.2017.V.53.01.), Where the thesis work of an independent participant of the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics Ruziboev H.S., 

News 18.06.2018 14:47

The visit of scientists from the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics to the Kuva district of the Fergana region.
Nature has provided man with a large number of healthy crops. One of them is a pomegranate, it is so unique in terms of structure and content that it is useful from the root to the tip of the leaf.

News 13.06.2018 11:57

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in the Ferghana region to familiarize himself with the progress of reforms and creative work on the territory, implementation of industrial projects, on June 12.

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News 06.06.2018 13:50

On June 6th, 2018 year, Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics discussed with representatives of the Namangan Flower Center on the use of modern innovative technologies in floriculture and the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation...

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